What is the Egg Crack Challenge? Parents go viral for cracking eggs on children’s heads

egg crack challenge tiktokasmr_roah/TikTok

Viewers are shocked and rather confused by a new, viral TikTok trend called the Egg Crack trend, where parents are seen cracking an egg on the heads of their unsuspecting children.

A new trend has taken the parenting community on TikTok by storm lately, and it’s called the Egg Crack Challenge.

The hashtag has over 33.6 million views and is filled with parents filming them cooking or baking with their children, who are unaware of what is to come.

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While some people are finding the videos of this challenge hilarious, others have criticized parents taking part in it.

So, what exactly is the Egg Crack challenge?

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What is the Egg Crack challenge?

The parents are seen cracking an egg on their children’s heads before adding the insides to a bowl. Viewers are then shown the kids’ various reactions which vary from confusion and laughing to crying and freaking out.

While some users are finding the trend funny, others have called out parents for participating in this trend.

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One of these users is Sarah, who runs the social media account “mom.uncharted” where she usually talks about child exploitation on social media.

When asked if she’d seen the videos, Sarah answered: “Yes I’ve been tagged in a few of these videos and I’ve seen it go two ways. One, the kid gets the egg on the head and they’re kind of confused, thrown off, thinks it’s a little funny. Then they move on. Or, they get the egg cracked on the head and they’re really upset about it and they freak out.”

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“But when I see those videos I think, are we that bored as parents and desperate for content?”

Viewers have mixed reviews about the trend

One person commented: “TikTok ain’t got no morals.”

“TikTok has ruined parenting & society as a whole, I was really praying on their downfall smh,” another wrote.

A third user wrote: “Anything for views and attention online.”

“These parents are the kids’ first bully,” another user commented. 

However, others found the trend hilarious, with one saying: “TikTok is saved, this is true art.”

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A second wrote: “It’s an egg. Calm down.”

“This is good family fun, no problem whatsoever,” a third user commented.

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This is not the only time parents have been shamed for using their children for content on the app. In March 2023, one TikToker had the police called on her after wrapping her baby in saran wrap for a video.

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